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Dennis Estrada: Writer

Welcome to my online portfolio.

In this site, you'll find background information about me,my education and my work.
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Brief Biography

I was born in New York in 1962 but I grew up in a tropical paradise called Puerto Rico. I consider Mayaguez my hometown. I went to College at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez (Colegio..!) and received my Degree in Nursing in 1994. I had been a Registered Nurse and a soldier.
Thanks to Gods kindness, I had lived in The USA, Puerto Rico, Honduras and Germany, from the jungles to the big cities and made possible for me to visit the following countries;
Panama, Belize, Mexico, Cuba,Barbados, St Thomas, England, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Check Republic, Poland, Macedonia, Kosovo, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium,  The Vatican, Canada, Korea, China. Japan and the Philipines. 

I had published short stories and novels in the USA and Germany. The best thing I learned about my travels is having the opportunity to meet, live and interact with different people from different parts of this world and realized one thing... with all the different colors and languages that we have, we are all still the same thing... just people.

Dona Loida Figueroa Sanchez, probably the greatest puertorrican female writer (author of Breve Historia de Puerto Rico I & II and others)was my greatest literary push.(God Rest Her Soul)

I started writing in 1990 and I haven't stopped since...

I am presently an Instructor with the Practical Nurse Course at vFort Sam Houston, Texas

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